By Rachael Koval
In the chaos of our daily life, we tend to forget the incredible impact that self-love can have on our mental health. Embracing self-love isn’t a luxury, but a necessity. It is a journey that can help nourish the soul and build confidence in oneself, ultimately aiding in mental well-being. As we dive deeper into the topic of self-love, keep in mind life’s challenges and how great of an impact loving oneself can have in everyday life.
Self-love can come in many forms. It can come from something as little as setting aside a few extra minutes in the morning to put your favorite makeup look on. Or it can be something more formal such as meditation and journaling. These activities may seem small and insignificant. However, VCU Health mentions how a large amount of research demonstrates how self-love practices like these have a profound impact on our emotions and can decrease depression and anxiety while increasing self-esteem (Weinstein, 2023). In other words, there is a benefit to telling yourself positive affirmations or whatever type of self-love practice you enjoy. Before one can truly love themselves, they must accept themselves.

According to Harvard Health, self acceptance is so important that if someone who has a disease such as arthritis, does not accept themselves, they will undergo more stress and pain than someone with arthritis that does accept themselves (Harvard Health, 2016). Not accepting who you are can actually cause real physical pain.
In order to achieve self-acceptance, one must learn how to love the parts of themselves that they are most insecure about or feel may be undesirable. Everyone has insecurities. These insecurities often intrude on our daily thoughts which can hinder our mental wellness. It is crucial to understand those insecurities and love them because everyone is unique. Another way to achieve self-acceptance is to forgive yourself. Let’s face it, we all make mistakes! Forgiving oneself is the key to personal growth because if one doesn’t forgive themselves they can dwell on those negative thoughts which will make it difficult to move on. Lastly, being around people who love and appreciate you will help you love and appreciate yourself. According to the University of Utah, loving relationships aid in our health (University of Utah Health, 2023). The act of being happy in a relationship can actually help our blood pressure and is said to act like medicine. So go hold your partner’s hand or give your mom a hug because it’ll make you happy and healthy.

Self-care is an underrated topic. It not only improves your mental well-being, but your physical well-being too. Accepting who you truly are, flaws and all, will help you grow and flourish into the person you dreamt of becoming. So this weekend when you have some extra time to yourself, look at yourself in the mirror. Tell yourself that you love the way you look and continue doing that until you believe it. Reflect back on your past thoughts and actions, and forgive yourself for whatever mistakes you may have made. Self-acceptance is a journey, but your mental health and wellness will thank you for it later.
Communication, M. and. (2023, May 8). Seven reasons why loving relationships are good for you. University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health.
Greater self-acceptance improves emotional well-being. Harvard Health. (2016, May 16).
Loving yourself and others: The impact of compassion on Mental Health and Wellness: VCU health. Loving Yourself and Others The Impact of Compassion on Mental Health and Wellness | VCU Health. (n.d.-a).,support%20and%20encouragement%20for%20ourselves.